Sunday, June 26, 2005

Homosexuals are trying to force their religion on us.

Homosexual activists claim that Christians are forcing our religion on them when we disagree with gay marriage, but aren't they trying to force their religion of homosexuality on us? The truth is obviously YES, they are.

Religion is not just whether you belive in God or not, it is defined as: "a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices", and simply stated that means what you believe and practice is your religion. So then why is the homosexual religion so much more accepted than a moral one like Christianity? Again I see this as having a simple explination which goes like this: Christianity has a set of moral guidelines that it expects people to follow, this goes against the selfish nature of human beings and it becomes unpalatable for those only concerned only with what they want, therefore they choose whatever religion suits their moral deviance.

Rainbow my eye, Morality is black and white.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Personal Update

I guess it's time to set aside bashing the government for their egregious stupidity, and actually do a personal update.

There was a plan in place for me to take a disability management course from Dalhousie University (I was accepted and waiting to register), and then go on with a specialized degree of Psychology.

However this all did not pan out, how it all worked out went like this.
After applying to Dalhousie I was sent for an interview with a Vocational Rehab Cousellor, and this was to see what was involved in the position I was about to undertake training for. This meeting led to an vocational assessment and market analysis for the path I was about to take. The Market Analysis came back with a determination that VRC was to physically demanding for my limitations, and then went on to give some alternate occupations. The problem with the Alternate occupations was that they were even more physically demanding than the original occupation of Vocational Counsellor, which was not only disturbing but disheartening. So the outcome was that taking the Disability Management course was no longer a feasible option.
We met with my Vocational CSR from Worker's Comp, and discussed the positives and negatives brought up in the Feasibility Report. We will be looking into my taking a Psychology course at present and see how it goes. It's all a matter of taking my limitations into full account, which in itself causes so many problems.

Keeping my chin up though.