I caught an article on the news last night about how this older "religious" couple didn't see a problem condoning gay marriages, and this caused me to ponder what religion they believed in. Let's call a duck a duck here, not all religions are Christianity, and even different denominations do not believe the same thing. HOWEVER, to tell me you are a Christian and do not see anything wrong with gay marriage tells me that you either don't read the Bible, or you really don't have a clue what you really believe in.
Let's take the United denomination for an example, here is a group of people that are supposed to be dedicated to teaching the uncompromised word of God, and then they ordain homosexual ministers? Even worse yet they elect a homosexual bishop! Have they been reading the same Bible I do, because mine says that homosexuality is immoral and wrong according to God. Now I must be quick to point out at this point that I do NOT harbor ill will to gay PEOPLE, it is the ACT of homosexuality I have a problem with. On the same note it is not nature that makes you gay, it is upbringing (or nurture).
I guess my point here is that there is no middle ground on this issue as a Christian. Homosexuality is unequivocally wrong, and if you believe otherwise you are NOT a true Christian. You may be a person of faith, but like I said religion is NOT Christianity! So who do you really believe in?
Remember that this is my opinion, and I'm not out to convict or condemn anyone (and I'll point out here that God tells us to love our neighbor as ourselves). I'm only pointing out the truth as I see it in the Bible.
I quote:
"Why can't they get the picture, why don't they understand? We're not dealing with the planet of apes, we're talking about the modern man... Here's your sign!"
Bill Engvall